ABA Therapy
Center-Based ABA Program
What does an in-center ABA therapy session look like?
In-center therapy sessions at CAC often look and sound like typical childhood play, filled with wonder, growth, and fun! Encouraging playfulness and curiosity, we provide an environment that facilitates learning. Each child’s individual session is led by a behavioral therapist utilizing ABA principles and strategies to support the child’s individual treatment goals across the following areas:
Communication & cognitive development
Social & emotional skills
Reciprocal play & shared engagement
What ages are served in-center?
Because of the nature of our in-center programming and the preschool-like environment, we serve children ages 2 through 6 in-center.
When do in-center services take place?
CAC ABA treatment sessions are long standing appointments, Monday through Friday, and treatment may be scheduled between the hours of 8am and 6:30 pm. For treatment to be scheduled, clients must be consistently available for at least one of the following treatment blocks, Monday through Friday:
Where are the centers located?
In-Home ABA Program
What does an in-home ABA therapy session look like?
Home or community based ABA therapy is structured in a way unique to the child's needs and individual environment. This can vary from play-based intervention to structured teaching to natural environment teaching to targeting functional daily living skills within the child's natural environment. Therapy is focused on skill building while also addressing challenging behaviors that may impact the child's learning or safety. It also includes caregiver education and support. Behavior technicians utilize ABA principles and strategies to implement the child's individual treatment plan developed by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. This plan can address skills across the following areas: Communication & language skills, Cognitive development, Social & Emotional Skills, and Adaptive or Daily Living skills.
What ages are served in-home?
We are able to serve children up to age 6 years old through our in-home program.
When do in-home services take place?
Children enrolled in our home-based program access intervention within the home or other community settings (e.g., daycares, preschools, afterschool programs, or on their school campus if approved and clinically recommended by the BCBA). Sessions may be scheduled within and/or across multiple of the following time blocks, Monday through Saturday:
Telehealth ABA Program
What does a telehealth ABA therapy session look like?
Telehealth ABA therapy is structured in a way unique to the child's needs. Behavior technicians engage with the child (and caregivers as needed) via an electronic device with audio and visual capabilities (e.g., Zoom) while utilizing ABA principles and strategies to implement the child's individual treatment plan developed by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Treatment sessions are fun and engaging and include lots of activities that can be done virtually or with physical materials in the home environment. Physical movement and breaks from looking at the screen are encouraged. The child may sit in front of computer or tablet or move throughout the home with assistance of a caregiver. Teaching strategies can vary from play-based to structured teaching to natural environment teaching to even targeting functional daily living skills. Therapy is focused on skill building while also addressing challenging behaviors that may impact the child's learning. It includes caregiver education and support. Treatment goals can address skills across the following areas: Communication & language skills, Cognitive development, Social & Emotional Skills, and Adaptive or Daily Living skills.
What ages are served via telehealth?
We are able to serve children ages up to 18 via our telehealth program.
When do telehealth services take place?
Those enrolled in our telehealth program receive intervention services through a virtual platform (e.g., Zoom, Google Meets). We have screening tools to assist with determining if this program is clinically appropriate for the child, and the amount of involvement and assistance for the caregiver during these sessions depends on the needs of the child and the recommendation of the clinician.
Is my child a good candidate for telehealth services?
During the intake process, we will assist with determining if a remote program is clinically appropriate for your child, and the amount of caregiver involvement during these sessions depends on the needs of the child and the recommendation of the clinician. Basic requirements include:
A clean/safe space for session that could provide an area with minimum distractions, and
Access to secure internet, device for video conferencing, availability of caregiver to assist as requested.